ANO metro VS Denver School of Nursing


Hey guy,

I have been dreaming about ANO program in Metro for about a year. I have All A's in my pre-req. I was volunteer in Denver Health. I have CNA certificate.... I do, everything I can!!!

Then, This year they won't take any volunteer as a credit anymore (i upset but still inderstand). And also this year Metro include HESI test for the first time, so I try to study and I understand that they want " a smart student".

However, today I found out that they will gave extra point to people that ENROLL WITH METRO UP TO 4 POINT--which is as much as 4.0 GPA!!!

It never came up before!!!

I can't go back in time, I already have all pre-req at this point.

I totally think that is unfair (I know that they want to force student to enroll with them so they cam make money) BUT they should announce it at least a year before....

Now, I have all pre-req and consider that Denver School of Nursing might be good for me...

What do you think about DSON?

I need encourage... I been try hard and really sad right now...


Yes, I agree. It is unfair. They should give less point like 1 or 2. I think I will apply to DSN for April start if I'm not accepted. I got 4.0 for prereqs and has more than 250 hrs of CNA working experience. I got 99 in HESI math, but 76 in Reading. Bummer, I can't do it better in reading. I know one part is that English is not my first language. From all hard work I have done, I don't feel like I'm going to be accepted at Metro because of I never take any class with Metro. I really don't like that metro gives too much point for that.

Me too, I'm an ESL. I have to took HeSI 2 times. I had apply for dsn that start in Jan and they accepted me. However, I will wait to hear an answer from MSU, before I sign any enrollment paper with DSN.

If you apply to DSN, you will got accept for sure (according to your gpa and experience).

Congratulation that you got accepted from DSN. :) At least, you have a place to start this January. When will you have to sign the paper? Do you know if January cohort at DSN is full? I applied for April start, but my friend who just started this October said I might be able to start sooner if the seat is not filled up.

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