ANAT/PHY Class - Mosby's vs Kaplan Flash Cards?


Part of my prereqs for the nursing program are Anatomy 1 and Physiology 1. These are two seperate 5 unit classes, 10 units total. They aren't mixed together like most. I start my physiology class this coming semester and I wanted to get a head start on it by buying some flash cards to study. Kaplan and Mosby's both have really good reviews, but I'm wondering what you guys think? Have you ever used either?

Opinions/recommendations/tips/suggestions? :blackalien:

- Since my first semester is purely "Physiology," I need the best thing to help me with that. Then next semester I'll do Anatomy.

Kaplan Flash Cards: (I know these only say "Anatomy" on the cover, but the reviews talk about there being physiology stuff in there too)

Anatomy Flashcards: 9781607149842: Medicine & Health Science Books @

Mosby's Flash Cards: (This one advertizes both 'A' & 'P' on the cover)

Mosby's Anatomy & Physiology Study and Review Cards, 2e: 9780323187251: Medicine & Health Science Books @

What do you guys think?

Look at both of your courses syllabus, look at what book is required, then look at the publisher, if its mosby, get mosby flash cards for that book, if its Kaplan, get Kaplan cards that are for that book.

At the end of the day, both are really good. If you want specific study cards that will correlate to the book that is required for your class and will correlate with lecture, get the one "mosby or Kaplan" that your required textbooks publisher is by.

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