Published Feb 15, 2022
11 Posts
I recently took the exam and was looking for an exam guide during my review. There does not seem to be a comprehensive overview of the exam and the process that is consolidated in a single place. Therefore, I thought I would write one to help future test takers while the experience is still fresh in my mind.
Most of the information listed below can be found on the AMCB website, the AMCB candidate handbook, or the current edition of the Midwifery & Women’s Health Nurse Practioner Certification Review Guide. Your midwifery program will also provide guidance on how to apply for the exam and the exam structure itself.
I will mainly be focusing on the CNM exam, but the CM exam will evaluate the candidate on the same content. The only difference is that the candidate does not have to provide supporting documentation that the candidate is a RN when the candidate applies for CM certification on the AMCB website. There is a separate application on the AMCB website for those applying for CM certification, please select the application that applies to you.
Caveat emptor – all information listed is subject to change as exam content and information is updated. All candidates should take into consideration changes to practice guidelines or exam structure as they arise.
As of 1/1/2018 the exam content is broken down as follows based on the 2017 Task Analysis Report:
Antepartum – 20.8%
Intrapartum – 21.6%
Postpartum – 16.8%
Newborn 12%
Gynecology – 16%
Primary Care – 12.8%
Test Authorization
Confirmation of program completion and graduation is submitted to the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) by your midwifery program. Once that is completed, the candidate will apply for their authorization to test (ATT) on the AMCB website with their supporting documentation. PSI Services LLC (PSI) is the testing center contracted to provide the exam. As of this writing, there is an option for remote proctored examinations due to the COVID pandemic.
After a candidate has completed the application and provided the supporting documentation; within 7-10 days the candidate will receive a confirmation e-mail from the AMCB stating that they are eligible to sit for the examination and that PSI has been informed of your eligibility. PSI will contact the candidate in another e-mail to invite them to create an account and login to their website to schedule their exam. The AMCB exam is offered as Computer Based Testing (CBT). There are normally two (2) testing sessions per day at each testing site, one at 9:00am and the other at 12:30pm from Monday to Saturday but each PSI testing site can modify their schedule based upon staff availability or local public health guidance.
The initial examination fee is $500 as of this writing with a re-take fee of $350 for each subsequent examination. The re-schedule fee is $121.
Arrive at the testing site at least 30 minutes prior to your exam and power down all electronic devices prior to stepping into the testing center. The candidate will be provided a locker to store their valuables during the exam. The candidate is required to register with the front desk with two (2) forms of photo ID with signature. The candidate is required to fill out a COVID questionnaire prior to entering the testing center unless the candidate has printed and filled out the questionnaire prior to arriving. Arriving early is helpful in case there is traffic or other delays. The testing center will NOT allow the candidate to test if they are more than fifteen (15) minutes late to their exam appointment.
The candidate has 4 hours to complete the exam with 175 questions in total. 50 of those questions are pre-test questions and will not be counted towards your final score. These are questions that the AMCB is testing out to potentially add to future exams. Candidates will not know which questions are exam questions and which ones are pre-test questions. The candidates are allowed to go back and change their answers and you can flag/bookmark questions that you would like to come back to for review. There is a short tutorial on how to use the computer-based testing (CBT) prior to starting your exam.
You have five (5) minutes to use the restroom which is timed. If the candidate does not return within five (5) minutes, the test is void and the candidate cannot return to their test. The candidate will have to reapply for certification testing and pay the re-take fee to schedule another exam. The candidate is required to sign back in after each break. Your testing time is not paused and continues to countdown when the candidate is using the restroom or taking a break.
After Your Exam
1) Your results are immediately provided by your PSI Testing Center
2) Confirmation of p*** or fail via e-mail from the AMCB occurs within 7-10 days
3) The examination is scaled before your final score is calculated but after the fifty (50) pre-test questions are removed. The scaled results are used to determine whether the candidate has p***ED or failed the exam.
4) The AMCB receives results of the exams from PSI twice a month
5) After the AMCB receives your results from PSI, your certification number is issued by the AMCB
6) The candidate is provided with one (1) free verification of certification. The candidate selects who will receive this verification.
7) Candidate should receive a physical certificate in the mail within eight (8) weeks
Retaking the Exam
1) The candidate can take the exam a maximum of four (4) times
2) The candidate is required to p*** the AMCB exam within twenty-four (24) months. If the candidate does not p*** the AMCB exam within twenty-four (24) months or has unsuccessfully sat their exams four (4) times, the candidate is required to complete another Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME) midwifery program before they are eligible to sit for the exam again.
3) The candidate will need to submit another exam fee and another application for each retake
4) The candidate can retake the exam thirty (30) days after the initial exam and ninety (90) days for each subsequent exam after the second.
1) Re-certification occurs every five (5) years and expires in December of your fifth year through the Certificate Maintenance Program
2) There are modules to complete that apply to re-certification. More information can be found on the AMCB website
3) There is an annual maintenance fee of $70
Tips and Suggestions
1) Read the candidate handbook provided by the AMCB especially the test content outline which lists the most recent task analysis that the exam is based upon. Use this as one of your study guide and focus on the areas where you feel you need more work while skipping over the topics you feel confident in
2) Utilize the Midwifery & Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide to help guide your review and studying
3) Make a study plan and sit the exam as soon as you feel ready, the closer to the end of your program the better
4) Use the restroom prior to starting your exam
5) Use the entire four (4) hours of the examinations if needed
6) Read each question carefully
7) The task analysis is completed every five (5) years and is used to inform exam content and revision for the next cycle
8) There is a total of two-three (2-3) versions of the exam
9) Each version of the exam is in active use for twelve (12) months not to exceed a maximum of twenty-four (24) months.
10) Do take breaks during the exam if this is something that helps you as a candidate
11) Try not to go back and change your answers
12) The candidate is given a piece of scrap paper for notes and a pencil to use during the exam. When you sit down to test, the candidate is allowed to write out notes on the paper. This can be helpful if the candidate wants to do a large “brain dump” in the beginning and just refer to your notes when you are in the middle of answering exam questions