How would you describe it?

Specialties Ambulatory


I need your help.

I've been asked to work on the second edition of "No Time to Teach?" I would like to add creative ways to explain complex medical stuff to lay learners. I'm sure every person reading this has at least one method they found works.

For example, when describing to a learner how the percussion and vibration of CPT (chest physiotherapy) works, I say it's like shaking Jell-o out of the mold.

Got it?

Please send me your personal favorite, with your name (with credentials) and job title. If I use your contribution, you'll be listed in the acknowledgments.


I was working in ER and had to start an IV on a four year old. I'm a float nurse so I can easily beg out and have someone else do it. But I like to get different experiences, so I always try if I think I can. I also have a four year old at home and I check out her veins all the time.

Anyway, I told her the IV bag had a straw and I was going to hook it up to her. I told her I have a tiny straw to go in her vein that connects to the bigger straw.

I did have someone to hold her hand and give me moral support and the little girl said Ooowie one time and didn't think a thing of it. Or maybe she was very sick?

You should re-post this question in a general area I think you'll get a lot of response - afterall we all teach.

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