Published Mar 22, 2005
Pill Hoarding Hussy
37 Posts
exhaustion. need to vent. pt received from the ed 0600. 92 yom r/i NSTEMI, CVA. within 10 min. pt in resp distress (sbp=199, 88 sinus, resps 28-32, sat92%2L): 12 lead ekg, neb treatment done, sublingual ntg x1, resident in to eval. pt now c/o 7/10 chest pain: 80 mcg iv NTG, 40 mg iv lasix, with no improvement. now 0618. pt desats to 89%. placed on NRB. desats to 83%NRB, becomes unresponsive. code called, pt intubated by 0625. ARRRRRRGH! thank god i'm home now. it really all went pretty smoothly, looking back on it; he never lost a pulse and we got him intubated pretty quickly... but some mornings just suck.
here i am thinking i will get this admission tucked in, do the paper work and go home. well... maybe i'll manage his chest pain and push some lasix, get him comfortable, do the paperwork and go home. well... maybe i'll code him, do the paperwork and go home. :chuckle
ERNurse752, RN
1,323 Posts
At least you finally made it home before anything else happened!
fer sure.
72 Posts
Wow! What a morning!
Did you post from home? You must have done pretty good to be home 2 hours after a code.
Of course, I have never been on a code, maybe it doesn't hold you up too long?
Sounds like you managed it really well.