Almost done w Social Work and wanting to become Rn?


Hello. I have a semester left of classes plus an internship to finish up a bachelors in social work from about 12 years ago when I dropped out of school to become a SAHM. Now I want to go back to a nurse. I am 34 so I feel so old to start over in college but it is what it is. All things considered, which path makes the most sense for me to become a nurse?


-associates RN

-associates RN then a bridge program to BSN


-something else?

It looks like I am going to be getting a divorce in the near future, unfortunately. A couple of curve balls - I also home school my children. I intend to somehow manage going back to college myself along with HSing my kids. The divorce is going to be a huge enough adjustment for the children and I can't imagine also putting them in school so that is not an option at this time. Ideally, after I graduate, I'd like to work PRN so I can work when my husband has the children. Is this realistic given I'll have no working experience as a nurse?

One last question, is it going to be a challenge to get a job if I decline the flu vaccine?

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