Advice on Traveling

Specialties Travel


Specializes in ER.


Im looking to start traveling in Late April or Early May and there are so many travel agencies to choose from its giving me a headache. I found one agency RN Network and really like the locations of the assignments. I was wondering if anyone has ever used this agency and the experiences they have had. How was the pay? How was the housing? how long between assigments? etc..... I was also wondering if anyone kept an apt in their home town while traveling? I will stay PRN at my hospital and work in between assignments so i was thinking of keeping my this a bad idea? The problem is Ive made my home where i graduated college from and my family lives 3 hrs from here....My home town is dead so i just would hate to stay there with my parents between assignments. Is anyone else having this problem? Please any advice is appreciated.

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