Advice/guidance please -- decision time!!


Hi everyone,

I graduated HS in SoCal and had planned since my sophomore year to attend Auburn University - Montgomery, AL -- so I did. However, the unexpected costs were out of this world, so I have to go home. I simply can't afford to stay here, and it really broke my heart, as I had planned for this forever. I had been admitted as a psych student, going half-time until I could register as an in-state student and afford the tuition.

But thinking about that, I realized that while I wanted to work in a field where I helped people, I also did not want to attend 6, 8, 10 years of school (part time, remember!) as well as be up to my ears in debt to achieve this dream.

And all of a sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks: nursing!

The only thing that makes me squeamish is seeing people vomit, if you want the honest truth. :p I have heard that there are LVN/LPN schools that give you your license in as short as one year. I even found a school near my SoCal home that will do so.

Sorry if there are a lot, but here are my questions:

1. Does anyone have an opinion of or experience with CNI in Costa Mesa, CA? (

2. I spoke to a representative the other day and was told that the total cost of the program, including uniforms (scrubs I imagine), test prep, and the licensure test was just a hair under $24,000. And I was also informed that the program involves a lot of internship at different local hospitals. I am still awaiting info by mail on the cost breakdown, but as a general estimate, is this reasonable for a LVN/LPN license, particularly considering it's a 52 week program?

3. Since I do not yet have a vehicle (I chose college over Corolla!), transportation will be extremely limited until I can manage to get a clunker of my own. My options are limited to schools in the vicinity of Orange, CA or Laguna Beach, CA -- my mother's workplace. I am also considering Saddleback College. Does anyone have an opinion of/experience with that college, or recommendations on better ones in those areas?

4. Does anyone from SoCal remember what their salary was when they started as a LVN? I have looked at this in a little detail on my own, but I might as well hear it from the nurses' mouths themselves!

5. How much did you pay, in total, for your LVN schooling? From start to finish, I mean.

6. How much did you CA residents have to pay out of pocket? After any applicable stafford loans, pell grants, Cal grants, etc...

and 7. Because I have to. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfying is your job? And do you just love it or what? :) (Also how stressful does it get?)

Thanks again and sorry if this is all too much at once. But I think I can make this work...I just like to know all the nitty gritty details!

4. Does anyone from SoCal remember what their salary was when they started as a LVN? I have looked at this in a little detail on my own, but I might as well hear it from the nurses' mouths themselves!

I'm not an LPN, but my best friend is. She works in a nursing home (has for about a year) and makes $23/hr on the 2p-10p shift. This is in southern AZ. Sorry I can't be of more help!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Hospice.

Hi there!

I'm not a nurse (yet) so I don't have answers for your questions, but I did graduate high school in Huntington Beach and just wanted to way hi to another So Cal gal! I love Laguna Beach!

Hoping you get lots of good info to help you make your decision.

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