Published May 1, 2008
176 Posts
Hello all,
I could use some advice. I am a new nurse, started as a new grad in L&D in January. I externed for a year before that. Due to circumstances beyond our control, my DH's company is dissolving. We will no longer be able to afford to live where we do. We are considering moving across country. So...I need advice regarding leaving my job. I love my job and realize they have invested a lot of money in me. I feel really guilty leaving but there is no way we can survive on my salary and my DH won't be able to get a job paying what he was getting. Would it look bad to other hospitals that I would be applying to that I have 6 months RN experience in L&D? Would they still consider hiring me? How much should I put on my resume as far as training, classes taken, etc? Do I just start calling recruiters, applying online to jobs in the state we are considering, etc? Do I try to find a job and THEN apply for endorsement? How do I go about this?
Thanks in advance for your replies.