Adv or Intermediate Fetal Monitoring


Hi there! I know this only will apply to Antepartum/L&D nurses, but I was wondering if anyone else was having these issues. Certain HCA facilities are requiring nurses to have intermediate fetal monitoring every 2 years. I have advanced b/c when I first started travel nursing I was at a disadvantage b/c most hospitals wanted advanced, and all I had was intermediate. Even if I worked as full time staff somewhere, it would be expected of me to do advanced 2 yrs after my 1st time of taking intermediate.

Well apparently even though advanced is higher than intermediate, these HCA facilities will not take advanced fetal monitoring; they want intermediate. My recruiters were incredibly angry about it b/c they felt that it made no sense at all. One even said he and a few other people got into a huge argument about it the other day because his nurses were having the same issue as me. So there were 4 different hospitals I couldn't apply to b/c of that. Because I'm in a smaller town the closest facility to take the intermediate course would've been almost 2hrs away for a 2 day class. Luckily I was able to find a hospital that only wanted advanced.

I just wanted a few other nurses' opinions on whether they feel as though it's worth it to have both advanced and intermediate at the same time. It's just frustrating to know that you may have to take both for essentially learning the same exact thing.

I posted a similar question not too long ago. I'm in the same boat. Im a traveler and I didn't have intermediate FHM. I found a class far away for $300 but it wouldn't have been in time for the assignment I wanted. I ended up getting my NCC certification and so far, no one has turned me down. Fingers crossed. The test is a lot easier than I expected. If you have advanced FHM it should be a breeze.

P.S. It's up to the facility though whether you need one, the other or both. Every place I've seen either requires intermediate OR NCC certification.

What exactly is the NCC certification? Because I may look into that if it makes things easier than worrying about doing both intermediate and advanced.

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