ADN Program with already completed pre-reqs?


So I've completed the necessary 60hrs+ prerequisites required by the many nursing programs that I've applied for, but unfortunately I was not accepted to any of the nursing programs due to my GPA being a 2.97. HESI scores were decents - 85% and TEAS score wasn't too bad, but could've been better (78%).

Most of the schools I applied to require no more than 2 prereq classes being repeated, and I've already repeated several, due to family and financial cases.

I'm in the process of applying to ADN programs in order to build a bridge from their to earn my BSN, but I can't help but feel as though I've wasted the past two years just to start back from scratch.

Am I making the right choice by doing so? Should I try reapplying to BSN programs? At this point, I'm not sure what's a good idea to set off my nursing career.

Specializes in Psych; Med/Surg; Rehab.

The best advice I can give to you is for you to either find classes that will boost your GPA or suggest that you retake some of the courses you've already taken. Majority of the time, retaking some courses can change your GPA drastically, plus, you will be able to better understand and retain the knowledge you gained from those classes. You can take other classes to boost your GPA, but that might take longer for your GPA to climb and be more expensive, depending on how many classes/credits are needed to boost up your GPA.

I hope my suggestions are taken in the way that I intended them to be. As long as you don't give up, you can and will succeed in your path to becoming a nurse.

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