Published Sep 2, 2008
28 Posts
Hi -
I will be graduating from the Johns Hopkins University in May 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health degree (and possibly a Maternal & Child Health certificate from the Bloomberg School of Public Health). I am interested in applying to a variety of Accelerated BSN programs. However, I was interested if anyone knew how competitive the programs were? The schools I am particularly interested in are Duke University, Columbia University, and NYU. There isn't much statistical data on their admissions process so I was just curious if anyone heard via word of mouth.
Thanks! Also, did anyone go to any of the programs at Duke, Columbia, or NYU? Any information would be appreciated!
Also, I am interested in the University of Pennsylvania's accelerated program. Any information on that program would be great! Thanks in advance!
129 Posts
Columbia does not have an ABSN program...they have an ETP (entry to practice) program and you earn a BS in Nursing in the first year. However, they still consider their program a graduate program and will require you to take the GRE and declare a Master's specialty. Anesthesia and midwife program are very competitive. FYI, I am not a current student at Columbia, but it is one of my top choices, so I have spent a lot of time on the phone with the admissions person.
Just out of curiousity, you are graduating from Hopkins...why not apply for Hopkins nursing program? They are a great school!! Ranked much higher than the 3 schools you mention (and comparable in price).
I don't have much info on Duke, but I did consider NYU. My perception is that it is a bit easier to get into than Columbia. It is an ABSN program, and I think they have a couple of start dates per year.
Hope this helps.
Asherah, BSN, RN
786 Posts
I would recommend using the advanced search option (top right) to search for the schools you are hoping to get more information about and find some AN users who are current students or alumni. Speaking as a first year student, we don't have much time to keep up with the active postings.
If you send them a private message they may reply with relevant answers to your questions.