Admissions Essay

Nursing Students General Students


One of my questions on a 2nd degree application is "why this school?" My first thought was "What do you mean why? I'm applying to every freakin school in a 90 min radius and you guys are on the radar." This response is of course not going on my app, but I am honestly not quite sure what admissions is looking for on this question.

Perhaps I should say that their 2nd degree program will allow me to build on my previous education and experience to be a leader in the nursing community, or that their strong commitment to research and serving others closely aligns with my views. I don't know, I'm lost. What do you think they are looking for?

Maybe you could check out their website and look for their mission statement, goals, or philosophy and work that into your essay. Saying something like " I want to go to your school because you believe in blah, blah, blah".

Thats just what I would do. Hope it helps :)

Specializes in ICU.

Be honest. Don't try to figure out what they are looking for and figure out what you're looking for. If you are applying to every school in your area (and believe me, I know where you're coming from), then maybe incorporate that (spun in a positive way of course;)). The rest of what you said (their goals aligned with yours, etc.) is really good. GL!

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