Administration Protocols

Specialties Oncology


Specializes in Oncology.

I currently work in a pretty intense outpatient infusion center (we see about 80 patients per day); recently we have had some disagreements re: protocols for administering certain drugs; i.e. how often to take vitals with certain drugs like Taxol and Erbitux. Me and a few other nurses want to help develop some policies but we are kind of at a loss to find evidence-based information or manufacturer instructions. Anyone know where I can find good info re: things like vital sign recommendations? It's gotten frustrating because some nurses vital for Doxil or Avastin, some don't....and of course the patients notice! Can anyone help? :uhoh3:

Sorry, I pushed the wrong button.

Product guidelines should be available to you and are often clear in what they recommend in regards to observations. A really reliable centre in Australia is The Cancer Institute of New South Wales - from what I understand, what they offer is one of a kind in the world. You can view them by going to and then go to Ci-Scat when you get in. You will need to register and accept their terms.

Hope this is of help.

Regards From Down Under!:idea:

The Oncology Nursing Society or the drug insert pamphlet.

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