Published Feb 9, 2017
16 Posts
Hello all,
I've been reading some posts on this topic but have not seen much about California. I'm about to apply to NP programs but not sure what focus to choose. I would like to work with a neurology practice and see inpatients and outpatients. I don't only want to be in the hospital and vice versa. I know generally FNPs are educated to work in primary care and ACNPs in acute care. I work at a hospital in southern California and all the NPs, whether working inpatient with a hospitalist or specialists are FNPs. The CA BRN also doesn't have anything concrete in regards to differentiation in practice. In this case, if I want to work with a neurologist, should I get an FNP or ACNP? Also, does wnyone know what the job market is like in california and other states in general for ACNPs? I'm also not sure which program is more competitive. The FNP programs because it's popular or ACNP because there aren't that many programs. Thank you for your time, I would appreciate your input.