ACLS Case Scenerios for SDU


i'm a part time nurse educator on a 24 bed sdu. we are getting ready to roll out some training on mock codes for our floor. right now during a code there is always an icu nurse who responds to the code. our goal is to run our own codes with our charge nurses taking the place of the icu nurse. this is why we are going to start running weekly mock codes since we don't run them as often as an icu nurse. i need to come up with several case scenarios to use is our training. i've used my acls book and have come up with some, but if anybody out there can jot one or two down for me it would be helpful. thanks!

here is one from experience...

elderly pt. ambulates down the hall furthest from the station with pt and walker, gets diaphoretic and sob at the end of the hall, complaining of chest pressure. down they go, semi-caught/eased to the floor by pt. pt goes unresponsive, stops breathing, no pulse.

and another...

you come out of report 8am-ish, start making your rounds. patient care tech comes up to you and says mr. so and so won't wake up for his breakfast and looks kinda funny. go in to assess and there are no signs of life, he is a full code.

i'm a part time nurse educator on a 24 bed sdu. we are getting ready to roll out some training on mock codes for our floor. right now during a code there is always an icu nurse who responds to the code. our goal is to run our own codes with our charge nurses taking the place of the icu nurse. this is why we are going to start running weekly mock codes since we don't run them as often as an icu nurse. i need to come up with several case scenarios to use is our training. i've used my acls book and have come up with some, but if anybody out there can jot one or two down for me it would be helpful. thanks!
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