acclerated BSN Program at Colorado State



I was wondering if anybody heard anything about colorado state U-Pueblo's Accelerated BSN program? How competitive is it? Is it a good program and what the town of is like. I'm from the Seattle area and have no idea about what its like in Pueblo. I've been to Denver and like it, but know nothing about Pueblo and the school.

Please help! Thanks!



I have first hand experience with the school and it isn't a positive one. I think there was an AccBSN program there briefly last year but I don't see it now from their web site. The only AccBSN program that I see at CSU-P is the RN to BSN degree. Is that the one you're talking about?


I have first hand experience with the school and it isn't a positive one. I think there was an AccBSN program there briefly last year but I don't see it now from their web site. The only AccBSN program that I see at CSU-P is t

the RN to BSN degree. Is that the one you're talking about?

Hi GregRN,

They still have an accBSN program, its the BA/BS-BSN

I have applied to the program and if I do get in, I don't know if I would go. I havent heard much about the nursing program, but I see it is accredited. It is my safety school, but my ideal is to get into a MEPN program. I'm just curious because their application process didnt really require anything, no letters, tests or experience. I found that a bit odd, so I was wondering if any one knew anything about the nursing school.

Hi GregRN,

They still have an accBSN program, its the BA/BS-BSN

I have applied to the program and if I do get in, I don't know if I would go. I havent heard much about the nursing program, but I see it is accredited. It is my safety school, but my ideal is to get into a MEPN program. I'm just curious because their application process didnt really require anything, no letters, tests or experience. I found that a bit odd, so I was wondering if any one knew anything about the nursing school.

Hi lc3,

I see the curriculum now. Be careful, as the track is not truly "accelerated". All they've done it packed extra classes into a short time period; they're still each 15 weeks long. Most accelerated formats follow 5 or 8 week modules and are truly geared for moving at a quick pace vs. moving at a regular pace with extra stuff thrown in like this one does. Further, CSUP doesn't have a very solid track record of passing the NCLEX. Last time I inquired it was under the national average of about 87%. I'm not sure what kind of pass rate they have for the accelerated group since it's so new. It doesn't seem to me that the're differentiating between "accelerated" and "traditional" students as the requirements for both are identical...that's a huge red flag in my book. It takes a different kind of student to do well in an accelerated track and it doesn't appear that CSUP has figured that out yet. I was actually enrolled at CSUP a couple years ago and left the program during orientation. It was so disorganized it wasn't even funny. I was also told that they had an acclerated option and that's why I enrolled in the first place. It wasn't until the first day that I was told that the accelerated program was no longer an option due to staffing shortages. There were a couple of us who left immediately. I'm not saying don't pursue it...I'm just saying be careful. Be VERY careful...


lc3 -

Wasn't the app deadline for CSU-Pueblo in May? And they haven't notified you of whether you are in or not as of late August? I merely ask as I thought the turn-around time was quicker than that (although I don't know from personal experience, but rather, only what their front office staff related to me via e-mail). I was pleased with the responsiveness their front office provided to all my questions via e-mail, unlike another metro Denver school from whom I never heard a word about my enquiries. But I digress...

I looked into this program, if for nothing else, the ability to apply so early for a June 2007 start and know WELL in advance if you were accepted or not. And what GregRN says is true, their NCLEX scores are lower than most BSN matriculating schools in the state. What they are actually, I don't know, but you can do some research at the State of Colorado BON and see how they stack up (sorry, I don't have the link right offhand). Ultimately, my wife was not willing to move away from Denver so I could attend there, so I, of course, didn't apply :D

I was told, however, that several students live in Colorado Springs, CO and make the commute effectively. So, should you get in, you might want to look at finding a residence in that town rather than Pueblo, CO.

I think, and I may be wrong, but the CU/CSU Schools of Nursing around the state are all on this same "accelerated" schedule. The only two that I'm aware of at this time where you can complete the BSN in, say, 13 months rather than 18 months are Metro State College of Denver and Regis University. I guess it all comes down to your definition of accelerated?

Man, I can be verbose :chuckle

Thanks Guys for your replies. Its definitely helpful.

I did apply in May and they told me I would hear back in Sept. The SON seemed a bit disorganized from my interactions with them during the application process. So, hopefully, I'll get into some other schools other than CSU. I didn't hear anything about this school during the application process and it made me wonder, because most nursing schools mentioned usually have good reputations. So, thanks for your replies!

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