Accel. BSN or MSN dilemma


A new accelerated MSN program is being offered to the incoming Accelerated BSN students at UMDNJ. The MSN program has 2 phases: 1) pre-licensure phase (BSN) and 2) the specialty phase (MSN). During the pre-licensure phase (BSN) of the accelerated MSN, the following BSN classes are replaced with these master level classes:

1) Nursing Research (3 cr) replaced by master level Nursing Research (4 cr)

2) Intro to Pharmacology (3 cr) replaced by master level

Clinical Pharmacology (3 cr)

3) Pathophisiology (3 cr) replaced by master level Pathophysiology (3 cr)

Questions: Are the successful completion of the master courses

even possible without completing the BSN level courses?

What are the main differences between the BSN courses and

their master level replacements?

Am I crazy to even consider the accelerated MSN program?

What is your advice?

Thank you in advance!

I heard about this program when I went to the info session with Victor M. last month. But I wasn't clear if we had to reapply for the Accel. MSN.

I already submitted my application for Accel. BSN several months ago, for the spring semester hopefully. I still haven't received any letter, whether I am accepted or not.

I was thinking that IF I am accepted, I can try to get into the Accel MSN. It sounds like a good program if you were planning on getting your MSN anyway. I had planned on getting a Master's in Nursing after I completed the BSN.

I think that taking a Master's level course shouldn't be impossible even if you have never taken the undergrad leve


I have taken some grad. level courses (in psych), without having previously taken the undergrad level course, and did ok. I just think that the grad. level courses cover material more in depth but still provide some introductory background, etc. so that you can catch on.

I have also taken Organ. Chemistry II w/o taking Organ Chem. I and did ok. I did have some background info on Organ. Chem. since my General Chem. course included some Organ. Chem. components, but minimal. Yet I was still able to pass Organ. Chem. II. The book still had introductory or basic info, and I just had to do a bit more studying but I still passed.

I guess it depends on how much studying you are willing or have the time to do. I think it's better to take the Masters level nursing courses if you can. so that you don't have to take them later.

Thanks for the encouragement. I have decided to take the Accelerated MSN route.

When you get your acceptance letter from UMDNJ, you will be offered to enroll in the Accelerated MSN program through a different letter from the Associate Dean. It's a new program for UMDNJ and V.M. told me that the graduate courses will be charged at the undergrad rate/credit.

I heard about this program when I went to the info session with Victor M. last month. But I wasn't clear if we had to reapply for the Accel. MSN.

I already submitted my application for Accel. BSN several months ago, for the spring semester hopefully. I still haven't received any letter, whether I am accepted or not.

I was thinking that IF I am accepted, I can try to get into the Accel MSN. It sounds like a good program if you were planning on getting your MSN anyway. I had planned on getting a Master's in Nursing after I completed the BSN.

I think that taking a Master's level course shouldn't be impossible even if you have never taken the undergrad leve


I have taken some grad. level courses (in psych), without having previously taken the undergrad level course, and did ok. I just think that the grad. level courses cover material more in depth but still provide some introductory background, etc. so that you can catch on.

I have also taken Organ. Chemistry II w/o taking Organ Chem. I and did ok. I did have some background info on Organ. Chem. since my General Chem. course included some Organ. Chem. components, but minimal. Yet I was still able to pass Organ. Chem. II. The book still had introductory or basic info, and I just had to do a bit more studying but I still passed.

I guess it depends on how much studying you are willing or have the time to do. I think it's better to take the Masters level nursing courses if you can. so that you don't have to take them later.

Hopefully, I will get that letter soon. I called Student Services and they said either mid-late Oct., to expect a letter for Spring 06 which starts in Jan.

So I am hoping to get the letter any day now.

I don't like to be negative, but I just think that it's almost like winning the lottery since over 400 students have applied from what Victor said and only 70-80 will get accepted.

So they have to be turning away qualified applicants since I can't imagine 300 applicants ALL have poor grades, etc.

I have also read that other schools are turning away applicants since they don't have enough teachers.

So I am keeping my fingers crossed, but I am still waiting on other schools - Pace and William Paterson, just in case. I applied to them also.

I want to finish this degree before I'm 35 hopefully. lol

Good luck to you.

LOL! You'll finish before 35.

I'll pray for your answer to be of favor for you! Just wait for that large white envolpoe.

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