Published Jun 3
3 Posts
Two separate questions-
1. Has anyone done an ABSN where all classes were online and clinicals in person? How was it? I'm looking at this as my best option right now but hoping to hear from others who have done it. I'm a good self starter, I recently took micro totally self paced online and did well but I realize that doesn't compare to actual nursing school....
2. wondering what other ABSN programs offer online classes and in person clinicals in the Boston MA or north of Boston area? I currently have listed: UMass Boston, Regis, St Joseph's of maine, and Northeastern but I'm sure there are others....
Julia Liou, RN
10 Articles; 210 Posts
Hello Samhrn,
Although I can't really talk about what is like to do a fully online ABSN, I can talk about my experience completing an ABSN. Although everyone is different, and learn differently, I personally did feel like completing the ABSN with other nursing students around me really helped with getting through nursing school. We could really help each other out.
That being said, I have completed other online courses in the past, and I don't mind taking them as it saves on commute time and study time.
I don't have a specific article about Boston ABSN programs, but I found two on AllNurses about the best ABSN programs in the USA, and BSN programs in Massachusetts. I hope that helps!
Best of luck!