Published Jan 4, 2012
16 Posts
Hi guys, I am a about to graduate at the end of this month. I was wondering when everyone started their paperwork to send to the boards. Should I start doing my livescan and the application process and just wait till I graduate for my school to send over the transcripts?
Also, should I get transcripts from schools that I did my prerequisites at or should I just get transcripts from the school I did all my nursing classes at?
Thanks in advance!
LobotRN, BSN, RN
183 Posts
Go to your BON website. Every state is a little different. Some let you send stuff in as you get it/complete it. Others only want a complete file before they will work on it and then tell Pearson to release your ATT (acceptance to test). Most (all?) require official transcripts sent directly from your school registrar from which you graduated nursing school. Regardless, you are smart to get going early on what you can. That way when everyone from your class is jockeying for aspot to take NCLEX, hopefully you were fastest on the trigger and wound up closer to the top of the bureaucratic file and got your ATT right away (then onto license!). Hope this helps..... Lobot