AANP Exam 2016


Praise God! I just passed the AANP exam yesterday, August 23, 2016! It was very challenging! I took the Leik review in May 2016. I graduated July 18, 2016. I used Leik for the majority of my review. I used Fitzgerald for the Hematology topic as she gave a much better explanation on how anemia works, instead of just memorizing numbers. Then for the long trips on the road, I purchased the Barkley CDs with another student. Sixty percent of my exam was gerontology questions, 30% Pediatrics/Adolescent and 10% Adult/Women's health. The key is knowing the description of every disease, side effects of each drug, key treatment for each disease, and which antibiotic works for each disease presentation. The questions were so brief, that one really has to really find the key word from the question in order to answer it. Heavy questions on the dermatology and EENT for elderly and pediatrics. There were several pediatric musculoskeletal, heavy on cardiac murmur, 5-7 on endocrine (hypo/hyperthyroid, and DM 1 and 2), a couple on ethics, neuro (cluster headache, tics), a couple on respiratory - asthma, PNA, few STDs (syphyllis, gonorrhea), a couple of GIs and GU, and heavy on cardiac meds and its side effects. Mastery of each disease is the key. Just learning to answer practice questions was not as valuable as knowing what the disease is about. My advice is to really memorize drugs/se's, and KEY description of each disease. Have someone quiz you after you learn each subject. My 14-year-old son helped quiz me on the STDs. He didn't just learn about it and what not to do, I also remember him quizzing me - so when I saw it on the test, I got really excited that I was able to recall it (on Syphillis and GC :). God speed and May God's favor be on you as you take the exam!

HOLY Geez Balls!!! 60% Gero? I am obviously going to need to revamp my studying! Congrats to you on passing and thank you for your information!!

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