AANP exam in September. Pls help

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello, I am in the process of studying for my AANP exam. I heard Leik book was the holy grail but recently I've heard many people that used it and failed. I'm using both "Leik" and hollier. Will this be enough to pass. I need to hear from people that recently took it. Did you think Leik helped or not at all. I'm so nervous, I can't sleep. I need to pass this exam and get it over with. I feel like I I wouldn't know where to start if i fail. Fellow Newly certified NPs help. Also, any notes that anybody would like to share, i will greatly appreciate fellow nps. Please I need help. Thanks 🙏

Hi hopefulapn

I passed the AANP exam in July. My school has us purchase the Barkley course as part of the requirements of our last semester. I studied the entire Barkley course. I listened to all the tapes and did the online quizzes and pre and post test. I also read the Leik exam tips and testing tips in the first few chapters of the book. I was very nervous before taking the exam but thankfully I passed. One very important thing: Buy the AANP practice exam for $50. Firstly it gives you a sense of the kind of questions that will be asked. Secondly I had 2 questions that were almost word for word from the practice exam. I can't guarantee that it'll be the same for you but it can't hurt to try. Best of luck. Remember, we are brand new graduating students. The examiners know that and the test is geared for brand new practitioners. There was one ridiculous question that sticks out to me. It gave me 4 medications in the same drug class and asked me which one is the cheapest and therefore the one to prescribe. I just had to laugh and move on. Nothing in any of the study guides or even classes in school prepared me for that. But I know that after years of practice, I will learn things like this and it will benefit my patients too. That was just one question so don't worry.

Wow thank you so much. I heard a lot of good things about Barkley. I wonder if I should do that instead of Hollier

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