A call to get involved.


I am writing this post to ask all who read it to get involved. Please take 10-20 minutes out of your busy lives to send you congressmen and senator an email explaining the need for immediate action to ensure our patients safety. If any of you have read the thread related to staffing ratios on this or any other site and through your own personal experiance you are aware of the dangers of high patient to nurse ratios. The administrators will argue that the nursing shortage is to blame and there is little they can do. I disagree. You can find your congressmen at https://forms.house.gov/wyr/welcome.shtml and you senator at http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

I hope that you will write them with your personal story and ask that they support adopting a system like that in california or the one in Victoria, Australia. Make sure you include in your email your address so that they are aware you have a vote when they come up for election and that health care is an issue that will influence if not determine your vote.

Thanks! I just sent mine :D

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