A&P and Studying Tips

Nursing Students General Students


I wanted to first say thanks for all the advice about the Homemade A&P Flashcards. I went yesterday and bought me a Anatomy Coloring Book..and today I went and minimized all the drawings to make homemade flashcards...and when I get done with that I will make the cards for definitions..and what the body parts do...Anyways, I have one more question..as far as studying..I was never one to know how to study...but is there any good books out there that help with understanding the concept of studying..I am also going to purchase a hand held recorder to record all lectures...or would a regular recorder work for that? I guess does it matter?

Any suggestions would be great!


I use a recorder in every lecture class and I truly love mine. You are always concentrating on trying to write down everything the instructor is saying, but yet when you listen to the tapes, you realize how much information is missed. Alot of the times, you can tell when the instructor is stressing something and most of the time, it will be on the test. I bought a book that is called Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies and it breaks down words to help me understand what is going on. There is also a book that is like a clift book that is really good.

Good luck in anatomy! I am currently in Anatomy II. I have my first big test tomorrow on senses, cns, endocrine, and the heart.

Hissy ^..^

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