Published Jun 15, 2011
254 Posts
I think I may have asked this before but would love to hear from someone who has taken the A&P 2 and Pharm classes at UTA online through the Academic Partnership program. Please PM if you would like!! I would like to know how the classes are set up/structured and how the grades are factored? Thank you for any insight or comments!
92 Posts
I just finished A&P 2 a couple weeks ago. I made an A, but it was a beating! My number one piece of advice is do your absolute best on quizzes, labs, and lab practicals and you will do great!
Basically, there are 4 exams, 1 final, 3 lab practicals, and I think 12 labs and 12 quizzes?? She drops the lowest exam grade, the lowest quiz grade, and the lowest lab assignment grade. The lowest lab practical grade is NOT dropped.
The quizzes are 10 questions and you have 45 minutes. The lab assignments are super easy. You can print off the lab assignment PREVIEW and answer the questions as you do the lab. Then you go back into Blackboard and complete the assignment which is the exact same thing as the preview.
The lab practicals are 50 questions and you have 75 minutes to answer. Most of the questions come from your lab assignments. (i.e. Name the structure that the arrow is pointing to on this image of the pig's heart).
The exams are KILLERS. I did terrible on the exams. There are 50 questions and you only have 65 minutes to take it. I am the type of person that likes to go back and double-check my answers on exams and that just isn't possible with this short amount of time. Each exam covers 3 chapters and it was difficult to "figure out" which 50 things she was going to have on the exam. I scored a 72 on the first one because I went 6 minutes over the time limit which deducted 10 points (I think). I made a 76 next, then an 84. Dr Frederick then let us know the good news that her final comes straight from the quizzes!!! So I went ahead and made flashcards from all of the quizzes and took it. I made a 100 and finished it in about 12 minutes :) So, lucky me, I had my academic coach put a 0 in for Exam 4 and I still had an A so I didn't have to take Exam 4 :)
So, as I stressed earlier, make sure you do awesome on everything else and an A is doable, even with crappy exam scores.
I studied for this class for about 35 hours per week. I watched lectures on youtube, used the site, the cd that comes with the book, read the chapters, etc.
A VERY helpful site for me in all of my courses is quizlet. Awesome flash card site!
I asked the professor about halfway through the course for some insight as to what the "A" students were doing to prepare for exams. She is an awesome prof, and shocked me with her honest answer. She literally told me that the ones who are making A's on exams are already nurses. I was freaking out! But I didn't let it discourage me, and nobody else should either.
I applied for the Jan 2012 start date but am feeling discouraged after reading lots on this site today. I have a 3.5 for my science gpa (I took Micro 15 years ago and made a B ugh!) and my HESI score is 97.8 composite. I am not partnered and it is so frustrating that that even matters. If I don't get in for Spring then I am going to retake Micro and hope for an A and then try again for Fall 2012. I'm taking Pharm and Patho this September, should be fun!
4 Posts
Good luck on Pharm and Patho! I am pretty sure you'll do fine... I have a quick question for you, did you take Chemistry at UTA? I am taking A&P 2 on August and plan to take Chem too.. Any suggestions??
Thanks, Claus81! I took Chem at UNT years ago, so I can't offer any help on what it's like at UTA I have read other posts and almost everyone said it is BY FAR the hardest course they've done thus far. I also recommend NOT taking any course alongside A&P 2, even the professor stresses this in her syllabus. If at all possible, take it by itself and start Chem when it's over or vice-versa. You will do great as well!!! Fingers crossed we all get to the end of this journey at some point :)
Thank you so much Nickib376!!! Great info! I am in Patho, Micro, and Psych now and it is at times overwhelming with all the info that has to be covered and tested just praying for the next 7 weeks to fly by!!:)
I really appreciate the breakdown of A&P 2 so I can mentally start to prepare. I will be taking that with Pharm in Aug so I know I'm in for another crazy class load...haha!
Good luck!!