Published Apr 8, 2015
5 Posts
I've applied to both programs for the Spring 2016 and I'm finishing out my last three classes at UTA. All I have left are Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and I'm retaking A&P II to bump my science GPA up.
Has anyone taken A&P at UTA or any of the two classes there? I planned to take both Patho and Pharmacology together this summer, and take A&P II this Fall with a loophole class. But I heard that Patho and Pharmacology were both really heavy, and my advisor told me that she's known students to take both together and make As or they fail and make Ds. So I don't know if I want to take the risk..
My main concern is that I've heard A&P II that as apart of the lab they send you actual animal parts to dissect but that was a few years ago! I'm hoping I can find a syllabus to see if the lab has changed, but does anyone know for sure?
I will be applying to both programs for Spring 2016 as well. I am currently taking A&P II now at UTA to complete the 12 natural science hours necessary to apply. I have a previous bachelors degree so most of what I'm lacking is a couple of science and the pre-nursing courses. I can tell you there are no animal body parts being sent for dissection in A&P II ). For the most part, the lab format is almost exactly the same as A&P I. I have not taken Patho or Pharmacology yet unfortunately so I can't help there. I plan to take them over the summer as well, though I doubt I'll take them together.
Nice to meet you!
Okay, thanks for the heads up! I have previous bachelor's degree as well I just had to take Micro, the three pre-nursing classes, and the American Literature class. Yeah I decided against taking Patho and Pharmacology together, I'm just taking one in the summer and the other in the fall.
If you don't mind me asking did you apply for both programs or did you only choose one? I applied back in March to both programs to have my options open.
69 Posts
I took both patho and pharmacology online through UTA. I would take Pharmacology by itself over the summer. That was the hardest B I ever made. That class had me in tears. Patho wasn't so bad. I would take that at the same time as A&P II.
31 Posts
Hi! I will be applying for Spring 2016 at UTA as well and I can tell you AP2 at UTA is pretty straightforward. I passed it with a 94. You will have to study, but it is totally doable. I am planning on taking path and pharm in fall together and am extremely nervous about those 2 together. But they are all I have left to take! Good Luck!
I took your advice, and I'm taking A&P II along with Patho. I was advised to retake one of the core classes for a higher grade (which for me would be Sociology I made a B) but I debating if I should or not. If not I'll just take Pharmacology by itself in the Fall. Since you've taken the class, I trust your judgement when you say take Pharmacology alone!
I wish I had taken A&P II with the American Literature class I'm in right now. Then I'd be able to take Patho and Pharmacology together like you. I would have been free for the Fall -- besides waiting until October to see if I got in.
I am in American Lit as well right now. So ready for that class to be over! :)
You?! Me! c(: I'm over it, I actually just finished 'The Awakening' a few hours ago.