GPA, Science and Non, Teas Scores and Healthcare Exp??? What were your stats?

U.S.A. Washington



Nobody responded to my last post- haha. I am wondering in the Snoho/King/Skagit areas, to both successful and non-successful program applicants, what were your grades, teas scores and work experience? What was your experience during the interview process? I won't have a 4.0 but more realistically a 3.9-4.0 in non science and maybe a 3.4-3.3 in science. (I received a 2.9 in anatomy and that is my lowest so far :() Not willing to retake until I am c certain no RN program will see past that B-. I've spent hours researching and just want to know what was your background when you applied? Not thinking of U program, just the more competitive ones at CC's and LWIT? If you are currently in a program, do you like it??

Thanks People!

I applied for BC, which ranks on TEAS score so I slacked on GPA for awhile. Teas was 93.3, GPA is 3.2ish, no healthcare work experience. Ultimate goal of CRNA.

Nice! Do you like the Bellevue program so far? Are they only offering fall q entrance now?

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