Anyone applying for Bellevue College nursing 2013-2014 program?!

U.S.A. Washington



I am applying this February for the Bellevue College RN program for 2013-2014, I just wanted to see if there is anyone else out there that is applying for that time period as well?!

Where else is everyone applying?! Anyone taken the TEAS yet?

I'm totally with you guys. I've been so anxious about this letter! Every day after I check the mail and it's not there I feel so defeated, like it's never going to come! And then I start worrying that something was wrong with my application or they lost it or something like that...

If it doesn't come soon I think I might lose my mind! I hate the uncertainty of not knowing where I stand. Glad I have others to commiserate with, though!! Hang in there, guys! :)

Thursday, May 2nd. Still nothing.

I've got to tell you, the only thing comforting me right now is that none of you have gotten anything either. I would be losing my mind entirely.

I imagine the fall cohort will have a similar teas average as the previous years, but the winter's will likely be higher. I don't think you have anything to worry about if you got somewhere in the 90's! Also, if your app was incomplete Chie would have emailed you. I was missing the PPD induration numbers and once I got that handed in, she confirmed via email that everything else was fine. Except the waiting. The waiting is not fine. The waiting is awful.

Nothing here either. I was out running errands at mail time and in order to calm my nerves about not being home to stalk the mailman, I checked this board. So, thanks for the daily updates!

I can't believe how late this anxiety is being drawn out this year! If you check the boards from last year and the year before, the letters came between the 14th and 22nd of April! I wasn't feeling anxious until I realized that they actually usually come in April.

But here's the little bit of comfort that I'm trying to hold on to: Maybe they're taking so long this year because they have been holding out to try and secure more clinical options so as not to cut so many spots. Don't quote me on this. It's simply my wishful thinking :)

I got my letter! I'm not sure why I got mine before you guys.? I live in Issaquah. Hopefully, it will make you guys feel better that I got in to Winter with a 86.7% TEAS score.

You just made my life! Waiting even more anxiously now!!!!

Oh, wow! Congratulations Danielle!!!!! I can't wait to check the mail tomorrow!

Yes. I apologize for not giving you a proper congratulations in my response! Congrats! If all works out, I assume we will be in the same cohort! So, I look forward to getting to know you and will personally say a congrats and thank you when we meet in the near future!

OMG congrats Danielle!!!! You must be so relieved and excited! I'm glad to know the wait is almost over, I can't take much more of this!

Hang in there, guys! We can do this!!

Yay, congrats to you!

I've been lurking around on this post for some time now and I'm so excited to see that the letters have started to go out. I've been freaking out for the last couple of weeks waiting. I got a 91.3% on the TEAS so I'm feeling pretty good about my chances, but still, the wait is a killer!

I got in for Fall cohort!!!! I am so excited!

Congrats to those of you who got your letters!!! Mine came today too; I'm in for fall! Couldn't be more relieved and excited!

OMG!! I'm in for Fall!!! I can't believe it!! I'm a little surprised at how proud of myself I feel about getting into Fall! What a rush!!

Also, since no one has mentioned it and I was curious about the amount, it's $50 to hold your spot, payable online, instructions enclosed in acceptance letter :-)

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