Anyone applying for Bellevue College nursing 2013-2014 program?!

U.S.A. Washington



I am applying this February for the Bellevue College RN program for 2013-2014, I just wanted to see if there is anyone else out there that is applying for that time period as well?!

Where else is everyone applying?! Anyone taken the TEAS yet?

I applied as well. Didn't start panicking until I read this forum and saw that there are only 56 slots open for this year... WHAT IS THAT NONSENSE!? I have had the worst luck with my CNA certification and now this... all due to clinicals! Hoping for the best though. I scored an 86 on my TEAS test and that was the only time I took it. As far as my GPA goes... I have transferred four times now over the last five years and so I'm not completely sure how they are going to transfer my grades over. Some of the schools I attended only gave A, B, C, D, etc., and I know that a +/- can make a big difference at some schools. I honestly have no clue where I rank, and I am especially curious as to how many people applied to the program for this year.

Still waiting....does anyone know if BC sends out a proper postal letter or just an email? SCCC sends out an email as your acceptance letter, which doesn't feel very formal; it just doesn't have the same ring to it. I guess I'm glad they save the paper, though :-)

I'm pretty sure that they send an actual paper letter through the mail. By the way, I called last week to find out when they would send the letters out and apparently we should have them by the end of this month or the beginning of May. The suspense is making me crazy! I just want to know!!

Yes! Did you apply anywhere else, Sunshine? I applied to central, and got in, but I'm really pulling for Bellevue even though central is close to home.

Nope, I didn't apply anywhere else! I really want to go to Bellevue. I'm getting pretty worried now that they cut 18 places from the program though!! It probably would have been smart to have a backup plan.

Congrats on getting into central!!!

Thank you!!

I can't believe they really cut so many spots. And of course, they come off the bottom of the list. Which, is where I would likely show up, if at all. It's so nerve wracking, this waiting! If I get a letter soon, I will post here immediately. It can't be long now!

Monday, April 29th and still nothing.

Waiting, hoping, waiting, hoping......

Hello everybody! I've been keeping an eye on this board and am with you all impatiently waiting for a letter.

I considered last Thursday the first day that there was a good chance I'd get it. I can't imagine they'll send it any later than today, hopefully! In an email last week, Chie said they'd be out by the end of April. Here's to hoping because my mailman is certainly getting tired of me peering out my window and being on my doorstep while he's trying to do his thing :).

The news of the cut spots is very disheartening! I decided not to retake the TEAS as I was hoping to get in for the Winter and figured that my TEAS score would do just that! Alas, now I have quite a bit of worrying to do.

But I wanted to join in on the conversation and wish everybody luck!

Tuesday, April 30th. Still nothing. I may just take up drinking. (Kidding!!)

I took my teas and was satisfied with the 87.3 I got, I was feeling pretty solid about Winter, too. Now of course, I want to claw my eyes out for ever having having felt a breath of confidence. Too close to call. Darnit.

Wow! We are in the exact same boat!

Still nothing. And also waiting for news based on the *exact* same TEAS score!

I just checked the mail and no letter yet. I am having such a hard time being patient! I got a 92.7 on the TEAS, so I am hoping I least make it into the Winter start group. Good luck to all of you in the same boat!

I think a score in the 90s should still do it!

I took it without studying at all. And I knew after taking it I should brush up on the science stuff and retake it, but I really wanted in the Winter start! So, I figured there was no sense spending the time and money. We'll see (hopefully soon) how ill-advised that decision was. Mail isn't here yet today, but if you didn't get it, I'm assuming I didn't either.

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