RITA CRISIS- Houston traffic!

Nurses General Nursing


People are trying to leave but it is utter chaos around the city. I am 30 miles west of Houston in Katy and the I-10 West traffic situation here is in CRISIS MODE. People are trying to evacuate and there is no gas. They have been on the road for 10, 12, 16 hrs and slowly idling there gas away. It normally takes us 1 hr 30 min to get to the beach in Galveston. A lady left Galveston at noon and was just getting to Katy at 0530 in a.m.-- that's 17 hrs! People gassed up before they left but have been in there cars so long- they are running on fumes. Early this a.m. people were in fist fights at the gas pumps in Katy trying to fill-up. People are getting out of their vehicles and literally walking down the freeway. My inlaw's live half way between Katy and San Antonio and she said that I-10 is backed up there, too. That's 90 miles from here. People are not turning there a/c on to save gas. The temperature here is supposed to reach 100 degree's today. They don't even have the benefit of a breeze cause their going 10 mph. TXDOT is trying to open up the inbound lanes for outbound traffic. Homeland security is talking about sending gas this way because there are drivers stranded all along every major freeway headed out of Houston. EVERY freeway out of Houston is totally clogeed and not moving. They are saying now that if you haven't evacuated now it probably isn't going to be worth it because chances are you will run out of gas before you get wherever you were planning to go. I am scheduled to work fri-sun (12 hr shifts) here in katy. Our hospital has invited our families to stay at the hosptial, so I am taking my daughter with me. Husband is undecided. Most of the people I have talked to here in Katy are staying. We are not in a flood prone area and no mandatory evac. has been issued here. The wind will be our enemy. Please pray for everyone in our area.

I hope everyone made it back OK. Looks like coming back was smooth sailing in most areas.

It was insane and I still can't believe it was done, but 2.5 million people were evacuated and by Friday morning, the streets were empty.

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