How did you pass the ANCC certification exam?

Nursing Students NP Students


I've heard Margaret Fitzgeralds stuff is the best but seems like ANCC's stuff would focus more on the test content. I just graduated with my MSN FNP and want to get certified on the first try. Any suggestions?

Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

I have taken the ANCC exam 3 times and still haven't passed. Their theory questions are subjective and open to several interpretations. If you speak another language, you can just forget will never be able to figure out the intent of the question. If ANCC is truly concerned about bringing quality healthcare to the underrepresented, underserved, then they need to word test questions that can be understandable and applicable to nurses of all language speaking backgrounds. Isn't one of the goals for NP is to provide culturally sensitive service to people who can relate to us, so they can open up and provide the history we would need to care for them? Then why am I being held back because my interpretation of "research utilization" may be different from yours. Yes healthcare disparities exist between the rich and less fortunate but as i see it today, ANCC is helping to further widen the gap. Tell if I'm mistaken; I'm open for discussion. Thanks

Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

ridiculous kinds of questions that have nothing to do with helping patients address their health issues!

Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

I found the question too vague and not specific to what was being asked related the scope of practice. The object should be to test your understanding, not trick you into doubting yourself, especially about scope of practice, which has to be defined in your facilities standard of practice any way. Can you see how frustrated I am???

Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

I don't think I will pursue certificate from ANCC again; 3 times is enough and it has cost me $1800 in exams and reviews and books etc. I don't know what else to do anymore...maybe i should just give up because this is placing a huge financial burden on my family...

Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

How did you pass it? I've tried taking it and failed it 3 times... either I can understand what is being asked or I'm the dumbest person in the whole word!


I can completely relate to your frustration and I'm terribly sorry that you're not having much luck with the ANCC exam. I must tell you that even when I wrote it and passed the exam, I grew frustrated also with the wording of the questions and doubting myself on what they were REALLY trying to ask me. The questions, no doubt, can be easily misread or misinterpreted. I don't think these exams have any baring on what you could provide to the public. I, personally, am NOT a fan of exams b/c I feel that there are people out there that are just great exam takers and then there's others that would rather practically complete the task and do just as well, if not better.

I'm not sure how many times you can retake the ANCC exam but I say "no pain, no gain". If there's any way that I can be of help, let me know. As hard as it may be, try to keep your head up high and trek'll be worth it in the end!


Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

Thanks nursepooh for your words of encouragement and support. At this point, I can't give up even if I wanted to...I'm in it too deep. I will entertain any tips you may have to help me pass. Thanks


if u have any specific questions that I can help you with, it'll help guide me and give you effective tips...

Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

nurse pooh,

Are there specific language you focus in on with questions regarding advance practice act/nsg or np role delineation etc.?

I guess the most frustrating part is not knowing where you made your mistakes so you can correct it :uhoh3:


there isn't a specific language that you need to learn in order to pass the ANCC, its just mastering the art of really understanding what the question is asking...i used marg fitz to help me with health policies and covered the ANA standards...what resources are you using to prepare for the exam?

also, when a person fails apparently you get a print out showing you areas you scored weak on, this is geared towards alerting you so you can focus a bit more on those areas...what did you score low on?

Specializes in Trying to become certified as NP.

I have used marg fitz, ancc life conference review and online review and various other books. The exam result It stated I scored low in all areas only I felt that I was answering them correctly??? That's why I don't understand what I'm doing wrong when I feel that I understand the material but can't seem to pick the correct answers. If I scored low in all areas, then that would mean I'm really not mastering the material....uuuggghhh I'm so confused!

if you're scoring low on all areas, then it does merely mean that you're not mastering any area on the exam. With that being said, it could be that you're just not understanding what the question really is intending to ask. Can you private message me some questions that you saw on the exams that you felt you didn't understand well? or thought you did understand but did not get correct?

for clinical - marg fits is the way to go....I also studied off of Leik as well, there are a few discrepancies noted but for the most part was in tuned with marg fitz - do you have access to Leik? it helps to explain how to interpret questions and really dig deeper on what the questions is asking and how to answer it

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