CCRI Application question...

U.S.A. Rhode Island


Hi everyone!

I have a question about the application process at CCRI. I've tried asking a few advisors, but I get different answers. Hoping maybe someone here can help?

Right now, I'm finishing up all of my pre-reqs. The only two I have left (Into to Health and Micro), I'm registered for this fall. I'm trying to apply for the Newport spring session.

Do they send out accepance letters if you're currently enrolled (with a stipulation that you pass)? I would love to apply in October, but obviously will still be in these two classes. Or, do I need to wait? Last year, they had an "open application period" from January 4-15th. I'd hate to wait and pray for a last-minute acceptance, knowing that my chances might be slim to none of getting in. I have all of the other pre-reqs with a 3.8 gpa. I'm taking my TEAS next month.

Thank you!!!

I hate waiting :(

We should hear soon i just read in CCRI website that no aplications Will be accepted for Nursing 2013 cause its full already

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