(Naive?) Student with a moral/ethical nursing dilemma...

Specialties Research


I am so grateful to have found you all!!...

I JUST joined this website bc I was looking for info on research nursing... and voila! If any of you have a minute as "credible professionals" and could shed some light on this situation for a lowly first yr nursing student it would be immensely helpful - for my own peace of mind if anything... thank you sooo much

Background: During clinicals at the hospital this week (neurology unit), I was assigned a pt in horribly heart-wrenching situation- as I am sure will be one of many in my nursing career... w/out giving too many details...early 30s, 2 young kids, not married but with kids' mom for years, no significant health history at ALL....All of a sudden he's at work and falls down, is unconcious, pulse regained after significant time (>10min), tests run, stroke ruled out, unclear dx but "probable" cardiac arrest.....Fast forward 35 days....he remains in a persistent veg state, trach, feeding tube, foley, the works...and his family is in the throes of deciding whether to leave him like this or to turn everything off.

So....I was doing my prep paperwork, and I dunno about when you all were in nursing school, but its ALOT and much of it is research. I came across these headlines and was intrigued- something along the lines of- "Sleeping Pill Proven to Reverse Vegetative State!" I am thinking, yeah, likely story. So I check it out. Credible source (BBC) that I came across but found that the original research was posted in "NeuroRehabilitation" (after further digging). It is VERY recent - in the world of research anyway- less than a yr old. So I am blown away. I take it in to my instructor the next day all like hey we could really make a difference here and waddya think, I am so excited....and I was crushed bc she basically blew it off as a hoax. I didnt press it at the time bc I hadnt done thorough research at that point, but now have done much more. I did a Google search - try it- "ambien and vegetative state"....over 17,000 hits! All over the world it seems, this is being talked about and tried - many times with success (at least they claim). The most RECENT research (about 2 weeks ago) FINALLY, recruiting is happening in the United States for clinical research trials to either prove or disprove it on a clinical basis rather than anecdotal reports.

My dilemma: My instructor has blown me off like I am a three year old who doesnt know any better. And please, dont let my website-chatty writing style mislead you...I am at the top of my class in a VERY competitive program, so (at least I feel) I have proven that I...I dunno....can be trusted I guess, or at least am worth not dismissing. What do I do? I feel like I have done a disservice to this family by "withholding" information from them. That it isnt up to me to decide whether they pursue it or not, but at least provide them with the information!!! I dont have any moral/spiritual feelings one way or the other about them disconnecting everything...I cant imagine being in that situation, but I feel like they should have a heads up on this before they come to a decision. What can it hurt right, duh, its an Ambien!!I feel like my hands are tied and I am REALLY not okay with it...but I am not about to get kicked out of my program I worked so hard forever to get into either. Anybody have some insight?

Again, anything is helpful...sorry to ramble, I am so fortunate to have found this site. Due to what this situation has sparked within me, I think I may be interested in research when I graduate.


Specializes in Clinical Educator - Critical Care.

I would also like to ammend my previous post. I definitely don't think that a nursing student should be discussing end-of-life issues like continuing/withdrawing support with a family - at least not without their instructor/preceptor heavily guiding the conversation.

Important convesations to sit in on, yes... not yet ready to participate.

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