intake and asessment in CMHT's

Specialties Psychiatric


Does anyone work within an intake and assessment service in a cmht, we have just set one up and i am trying to write it up for a piece of work. Problem is there doesn't appear to be much written up about such a development. We cannot be the only cmht working in this way! So i thought i would post this and see what happens. So far this way of working has helped the care managers focus on case management , as previously we all shared crisis and cuty on a rota basis, although this caused considerable disruption to the week if you nded did get called out on a crisis. Now we have 3 team members dedicated to taking all referals assessing for eligability, refering elsewhere if required and carrying trhe case until allocation whcih is weekly. These 3 team members also respond to or co ordinate crisis assessments in the community aswell, We also take bloods for clients on Clozaril which seems to be increasing in numbers!

If anyone is intrested or knows any lit that discusses this way of working leave me a note, Nice one thankyou!

In the US, we refer to the type of service your CMHT has started as a "Crisis Response Team." They are now the norm in most CMHTs as a way of assessing, screening and referring patients to the least restrictive environment for treatment. Most states mandate that CHMTs provide this service.

If you do a Yahoo/internet search using this topic, you should find lots of information. I worked with teams like this for 7 years before obtaining a Psych NP degree. You'll enjoy it!!

I also spent this past summer in the UK studying your mental health system in comparison to ours. I had a wonderful experience! Great fun in Cardiff, too!!

Let me know if you need any other info.

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