Too much of a risk?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


My wife has always wanted to be a nurse and I've been encouraging her to look into programs and going back to school. She turned 40 this year. She's decided to try for a 2-year program after dealing with her pre-reqs.

The potential problem is that the school in this area (Tacoma, WA) uses a point system based on pre-reqs. They say that they are "very competitive". My wife is very smart, so I'm sure she can do well in her pre-reqs, but we have no idea how good is good enough. We don't have a sense of how many slots are available versus # of applicants, and the school doesn't seem willing to share that information.

She might have more options commuting to school up to Seattle, WA, but that is an AWFUL commute and I just can't see her doing it for two years. Relocating up there is not an option for us since houses are so expensive.

Moving elsewhere in the country for school might be an option for us, but only if we wait a few more years until the kids are through school and out of the house.

I want to encourage and support her, but I also don't want to see her frustrated and disappointed after devoting a lot of time and effort to this goal.

Any thoughts or recommendations?


I am from the area too. It is true TCC is very competitve. Last year their lowest acceptance GPA was 3.9. Highline is also competitive but there is some wiggle room if you do well on the essay and you have a previous Bachelors or are a CNA, EMT. You also get 1 or 2 points if you have volunteer hours in the medical field. GPA score gives a max of 24 points, up to 3 points for the qualifications I mentioned above and up to 6 points for the essay for a total of 33 possible. Last years class lowest points accepted was 28.5. I have 33 points and am waiting for my letter. They supposivley mailed them out yesterday. Anyway, the c.c. route here is extremely competitve. If your wife does not have at least a 3.6 in her pre-req's I would say she needs to look at Seattle U or PLU. Both of these are extremely competitve but they do consider life experience and any letters of rec and overall well done personal essays. I don't know if that is very uplifting news, but you really need to do well in the pre-req's or take them over. The c.c's up north are the same. BCC is strict GPA, but I think they went down to 3.4 last year. Shoreline is probably the toughest. 4.0 does not guarantee acceptance there.

I forgot to mention that there is always the choice of camping out at south seattle community college (I think that's the one). If you have all your pre-req's done with a min 2.5 they have one day each year where you wait in line on the street and it is first come first serve. Plan on camping out overnight!

I just want to say good luck in your decision. I could have sworn my husband had written that letter until you mentioned the area that you live in, especially with that user name. I will turn 40 at the end of this year and am in the same boat. I do not have a clue what my chances will be but I do have many pre-req's out of the way due to having a degree already. I know that if I do not get into the summer 2007 class that I will probably give up. Sounds like you have a couple of options. I am not that fortunate in rural Iowa.

I just want to say good luck in your decision. I could have sworn my husband had written that letter until you mentioned the area that you live in, especially with that user name. I will turn 40 at the end of this year and am in the same boat.

Well, my wife's name is also Theresa so you definately seem to have some things in common .... ;)


I am from the area too. It is true TCC is very competitve. Last year their lowest acceptance GPA was 3.9.

Wow. that is very discouraging.

Thanks for the insight into the other programs.

I guess the bottom line is ... does she take her chances and move forward with the pre-reqs and we figure out it later?

Does anyone know if pre-reqs would normally be transferrable state-to-state? That might have to be our fallback option.

Well, I went for it. I had a previous BA with a 2.9 GPA from 10 years ago. I knew this is what I wanted to do. I ended up with a 4.0 in pre-req's. I had to take over 2 of my old classes that I had 3.0's. If this is what your wife wants to do then I'd say go for it. Like I said she could always camp out at Seattle Central C.C(had that wrong the first time. Obviously you have to consider whether moving is an option. However, if she is motivated she can get all A's. I'm a single mom to a 3-year-old and I pulled it off. Good luck with whatever decision the two of you make. Just want to say that once I started the science pre-req's the information I learned and the friendships have been well-worth it! Goodl luck!!!!

Some of my classes transferred from Illinois. Colleges do not like to do that and I had to jump through some hoops to get the credit but I eventually did. I am doing just what you asked.....taking pre-req's and hoping for the best. I think most here do that. It can be costly, though if one does not get in. I hope Theresa had a great birthday! :hbsmiley:

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