Not sure if Nursing is right for me (Right Now)

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


  1. What should I do?

    • Stay at Oil & Gas Company while continuing Art School?
    • 0
      Go to Nursing school and become a Nurse right now?
    • Stay at Oil & Gas and maybe do nursing later?
    • Teach in Africa!?
    • Go backpacking across Europe!?

11 members have participated

Hello! I'm new to posting things on Allnurses, but I'm an avid reader. I read so much because I want to know more about nursing, and its realities before I dive headfirst in this very selfless profession and commit to it. I have two older cousin's that are nurses and they live well and are even continuing on to get their masters. They are both "later in life nurses" that went through nursing school with kids, and jobs etc. So I have very real proof that it is lucrative, rewarding, and provides a stable career; and that getting your degree at anytime is possible. They were always a fan of me being a nurse, but because I was sick in high school I spent much time in hospitals and wanted to be far away from them when I graduated. Lol

I am 23 years old now and I applied to UT Health and I'm waiting to hear back from them. This is where my conflict comes...

I applied with a staffing agency and the same day landed a sweet job at an oil and gas company getting paid pretty well. This endeavor was only supposed to be until school started, if I got accepted, in January. However, the company loves me and is seriously thinking about hiring me on... (oh and I would have real opportunity to move up in this company as well)

I haven't heard back from UT, and I'm thinking about staying at the company and finishing my Art Degree on the side. Yes, Art...Nursing is on the other end of the career spectrum.

I have about 180 credits towards IDK mostly Fine Arts.

I have an Associate of Arts.

And no idea what to do.

I've always loved the idea of being a Labor and Delivery Nurse.

I grew up watching, what other people deemed as disgusting birthing videos, in amazement!

I would love to be a part of that.

But I'm tired of my life being on hold for school.

This O&G job will allow me to move out with my parents and start my independence.

Is this 15 month program worth it?

I don't want to get in the program and want to quit and waste everyone's time and take up a spot.

(P.S. The ebola thing right now isn't helping. Its very concerning that if I work in places with diverse sickness everyday that I'll be bringing it home to my family, & I'm not a fan of this.)

I could be wrong about some of my assumptions though. ^^^^

Is it rewarding enough; do you guys love being Texas nurses!?

It is worth holding off on my independence a little while longer?

I would like to hear back from nursing students, other pre-nursing students, nurses: fresh and seasoned!

Thank you so much if you made it to the bottom! ^_^

Thank you for really reading and trying to help me out!

What art degree are you finishing?

I would be finishing BA in Fine Arts (Major in just Art: its a broad degree major) with maybe a teaching cert.

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