NLN entrance exam

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


hey all, I'm scheduled to take the NLN for the program at my school. I had it scheduled for Nov. 8, which was supposed to be today actually. But I ended up rescheduling it because of personal reasons which ended up with me not being able to study as much as I would have liked. So now, my exam is on Nov. 18th. It gives me a little more time to study. I've mostly been doing the math pracitice quizes because that's the part I'm worried about. I keep getting 18-25 questions right, out of 40. It's not what I want to see and it's starting to get to me with the exam creeping up slowly. And I haven't really bothered with the vocab because there's just so many words that can be on it and you don't really know which ones to study. I did a secience section and got 35 out of 60 right (without reading the intro). Am I doing ok or no? I feel like I'm getting a lot of questions wrong. Should I be doing something else to improve my scores? oh, and also, I haven't been timing myself for math part, I just want to see if I actually know how to do the math, before I time myself, because then I'll get nervous when I get stuck on a problem. but yeah...suggestions are welcomed, please! :confused:

hey girl I have no idea how I did I won't get the results they said for 1 to 3 weeks after the test It was a little hard somethings I know something didn't, how did you do??? I'm sure you did just fine !!!! let me know ....

Hey, I got my results as soon as I finished the exam, took about 3-4 minutes and the results popped up on the computer screen. Did you do it on the computer? I'm not happy with my english at all. I got a 111 overall, 48% verbal, 60% math, 71% science. I did great in science, 91 reletive performance. And not too bad in math either. But for verbal, I ran out of tiiiimmeee :( I guessed on about 15-20 questions because I had less than a minute left. The nursing advisor said " know that if you don't get in the program, you know why, right?" and I said yeah, because my verbal score isn't high enough, but I'm still going to give it a try and hope for the best, if I don't get in this time, there's always next time." I'm in the process of handing in my physical examination this week. Good luck with everything!! Let me know how you do pleasee, though I'm sure you did just fine :)

Seriously, every school that I have talked to really only looks at your math and science. I wouldn't worry about the verbal section, and for her to say that maybe she should sit down and try and take the test! I took the test on paper, the last entrance test I took was online and gave me the results right away so for the on paper its a wait for the scores! Which sucks, but you did good on the other sections!!! Where are you applying to? I will deff let you know when I find out!!! Hopefully I did good... Well keep me updated and ill let you know what I find out!!!


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