Getting into the College of Staten Island RN program as Re-admit

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello all! I recently was re-admitted into CSI. I attended straight out of HS in 2007 until 2010. I moved and haven't gone to any other college or university until now. I have been on the nursing tab of the CSI page and see that pre req's are psy100, bio150, eng111, phl130. I have taken psy100 got a C+, eng111 got a C, and phl and got a C. My GPA is 1.9!! I know, not very good but I wasn't really into college and more into partying with my friends at that time so i kind of ruined my future a bit.

I am re-taking phl130 and taking bio150 and plan on getting all A's. I will be taking more classes to get my GPA higher (atleast 2.5, if not higher). What are my chances of getting into the program and what else can I do to increase my chances of getting into the program? I really want to become a nurse and i am a very determined 26 year old as compared to the immature 18 year old straight out of HS. Any advice would be very helpful from current students or students in my situation.

Thanks in advance =)

I feel like we're on the same boat but I did come across a successful story I believe they also went to csi. I also want to be a nurse. I know it's something I want to do.

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