You might be an OR nurse if.......

Specialties Operating Room


I found this article recently in the July '05 edition of Outpatient Surgery Magazine...and wanted to pass it along for your enjoyment, and participation.

A big thanks to Paula Watkins RN,CNOR. Paula, forgive me I changed them a bit, and left a few out because my fingers were getting tired!


You can look at a tissue speciment, and be planning what to have for supper that night.

You are sure the surgeon you worked with today uses his personality as birth control.

Your kitchen cabinet has more of those blue containers left over from sterile packs than regular dishes.

When you are showering or bathing, you start from the center, and wash out.

You'd rather sleep 15 more minutes than to put on makeup or fix your hair before going to work.

You write RN after you name when you sign things like your credit card, checks or that speeding ticket you got when you got called in.

You think the vending machine in the lounge should have Prozac right next to the Hershey bars.

You believe all patients should be put to soon as possible.

You think you still would like to marry a surgeon...unless you are old enough to know better.

You can look at a naked body, and REALLY think "parts is parts".

You look at an adult circumcision wrapped in coban, and think they look like a doberman's ears.

Sexual harassment. All these years, you thought bawdy anatomy jokes, and sexual innuendos were just normal OR conversation.

You really believe in "cut to cure".

You believe that the size of the pt is directly proportional to how long you have to hold retractors, and have the surgeon to repeatedly elbow you in the chest.

OSHA and the CDC could classify your OR shoes as a biohazard.

You can retrieve a pager or cell phone from a surgeon from under his gown, and not give a thought to where you're putting you hands (parts is parts, remember??!!)

You can tell how well a case is going by the number of 4 letter words are being uttered from the field. (I call them FPM'S...F**KS PER MINUTE)

You can trouble shoot any piece of equipment in surgery, but you blank when you get home.

You have been known to hide foodstuff, cough drops, etc in your mask for later use.

You think Betadine could be a tanning agent.

You answer the phone at home with your name and title.

You insist on caller ID on all your phones so you can see clearly who is calling you at 0630 on your day off! (Like you don't already know!!)

You get great satisfaction by handing the electrocautery pencil to the surgeon and say, pointing to the, bovie this!


UMMM......Whoever gave you any indication that you get paid to do clinicals...has been diverting narc's....

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