Passed the CNOR exam

Specialties Operating Room


Just passed my CNOR certification exam this afternoon! It was the most difficult test in my nursing career. I don't remember the NCLEX being this stressful. My advice for those studying for it is to refresh on your test-taking skills. I find that it is 40% knowledge and 60% test-taking techniques. I studied for three months using the AORN Prep Course and the 2011 AORN Standards and Recommended Practices. Most importantly, know your lab values, acid-base balance and sterilization parameters.

I hear ya girl... i missed it by 3... i am going to take it again this thurs.... i am also very diasappointed. i did purchase the cci bundle....and take a couple of cnor prep courses.... i still feel like i am going to fail ;(... i am very nervous... i have spent over a year and 1/2 studying for this test


Specializes in Perioperative; Cardiovascular.

Hey everyone. Sorry for the late response. My employer made it an incentive to get my certification by reimbursing my exam test fee and provided test prep courses for the unit. Also, it helps with my career portfolio when I apply for RN III (pay raise). Honestly, the key to passing is to select the "best" answer to what they are asking and not the answer that gives too much information. For example, a surgeon keeps asking you to increase the coag on the bovie. The answer would be to "increase the setting" instead of "check the bovie pad or connector" because the alarm would of went off if there was a problem. A lot of trick questions. Focus on your test-taking skills. Good luck!

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