Having a hard time with NVCC prerequisites and application...

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi All,

This is my first time posting and I really appreciate any help!

I am hoping to apply to the NVCC Traditional Track (Fall 2014) - applications are due by the end of Spring 2014. I spoke to two advisors in September who recommended I take Biology and Intro to Medical Terminology this semester and Health Sciences I and II along with General Pharmacology next semester. So far I have A's in my two classes this semester and am all registered and books purchased for next semester.

My question is this - I see in the brochure that the Medical Terminology course and the Pharmacology course are both part of the program once you are on the track. It specifically says that you can take them beforehand, but you're still going to have to take them once you're accepted.

page 3: http://www.nvcc.edu/campuses-and-centers/medical/academic-divisions/info-session/assets/TraditionalRNTrack9-9-11.pdf

I emailed the department and they gave me conflicting information, saying I wouldn't have to retake those courses. Does anyone have experience with this?

If I have to take them again, I think I'd rather drop the Pharma class next semester and instead, take Algebra and Chemistry. I see they are prerequisites as well and I took them 15 years ago in high school and only got C's.

My other question is - what do you think would give me better chances of getting into the program? Would taking a class that is in the Nursing coursework (Pharmacology) and getting an A in it show them that I'm serious and will be a good Nursing student? Or would they rather see above-average grades on all of my pre-reqs?

I plan on going in to speak to an advisor next week, but thought I'd reach out to you all and see if you had any advice first.

Also - are there any advisors that were standout that you could recommend? I have gone in twice and talked to two different people who seemed pretty indifferent about me. This is a huge life and career change for me. I was laid off of my sales job in August - the 4th time I've been laid off in 2 years. I sat down with my fiancee and had the "we cannot start a family if i'm being laid off every year" conversation and decided to take the money we had saved for our wedding and invest it in my schooling. My now-husband has sacrificed a lot for me to do this career change and I want to do all i can to be accepted! My biggest fear is that I will not be accepted and then I will have blown a few thousand dollars on some pre-req courses and still be unemployed, a year later.

Any help/guidance?

Thanks all!!!

Did you ever get an answer to this question? I wonder what you ended up doing.

hey there - i wasn't sure where to post it and ended up putting the same question on a few different sections... got some replies on this one:


i ended up taking pharmacology and NAS161/162. I took medical terminology last semester and one of my psychology courses from my previous degree transferred over. If i take the 2nd psychology over the summer, then my first year of nursing school will be a lot easier, since i'll only have the nursing classes to take.

i'm taking the TEAs on Friday! Hopefully I do well because if I dont, and then don't end up getting into the program, then i just wasted a whole lot of time and money taking all these classes! LOL.

Haha no kidding! Have you done anything to study for it? I'm thinking about trying to get into George Mason's BSN program. I wouldn't have to take the TEAS... Competition is so stiff though that I should probably suck it up and try for community college regular RN program. Good luck to you!

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