Gulf Coast State College Spring 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


For those who applied for the GCSC Spring 2018 RN program and are awaiting acceptance letters, please feel free to comment on this thread :)

Has anyone received their letter yet or know when they are getting sent out?

Hello. I applied to the program too. I believe they stated letters would go out the end of this month or beginning of November.

What classes have you already completed?

It is very hard to post a comment due to the error message I keep receiving so my apologies for the funny sounding message.

Hey! I figured the letters would be coming any time now.

I was a biology major at FAU and decided to change my major to pursue nursing 2 semesters from graduating so I was able to complete a lot of the pre-reqs required for the nursing program a few years back.

I applied for the nursing program at GSCS for Fall 2017 and got accepted but made the decision to apply for Spring because I delivered my daughter and became a mommy last month and the advisor recommended I wait until next semester. When I applied for Fall, I had all of my pre-reqs completed except for A&P2 and Microbiology with the labs and surprisingly still got accepted into the program. Over the summer I was able to complete all of the classes and even took Pharmacology so I'm hoping I will get accepted again. Fingers crossed!!

Oh. Well that's great! Congratulations on your new addition. It sounds like you have a good chance of getting in again, expecially with completing all prerequisites.

I have done all classes but Pharmacology. I was worried about my Hesi Test and past transcripts but hopefully my recent ones will prove I'm focused. I can not wait to get the letter in the mail.

Do you already have your CPR certification? If so, where did you complete it at? I did hold mine a few years ago and was thinking about getting it again from the Red Cross.

Thank you for the response.

Thank you! But I still feel nervous regardless because I don't know what the competition looks like between the pool of students applying this semester so I'm hoping that the classes that I did over the summer helps better my chances and I'm hoping that me declining the offer the first time doesn't negatively effect me. I know they only accept 50 students every time.

I think if you have everything done except for Pharmacology then that already gives you a good chance of getting into the program since they expect you to take pharm your first semester anyways.

I did get CPR certified back in 2012 down in South Florida and never renewed it once it expired so I'm assuming I would have to take the class over since it has been a while. I know that the school offers a couple of CPR classes but I'm sure there are several other places in PC that do as well.

Received my packet today! I got in!

Congratulations!! I'm still waiting on my letter so I hope it comes tomorrow :)

my packet came in today and also got in :)

my packet came in today and also got in :)


I'm applying for next spring.. can i ask what you gpa was when you applied? I'm just curious about how hard it is to get in.

My cumulative was 3.81 and a 94.5% on my Hesi with all pre-reqs complete. Good luck!!

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