Evening Nursing Programs in South Eastern Massachusetts

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone,

I've been an avid reader of this site for awhile but I finally joined.

I was wondering if anyone could help me with some questions I have?

I'm from South Eastern, Ma, about an hour south of Boston.

I work full time 830-5 pm Monday through Friday. I support myself and do not have the option to quit my job to go to nursing school.

I have looked at a few community colleges that offer evening nursing programs, such as Quinsigamond, Massasoit, Mass Bay ect.

My concern is from what I've read in previous posts, these evening programs and their classes start before 5 pm. Are there evening programs that start later? I know for some schools they allow weekend clinicals, but even evening clinicals start at 3 pm.

All the colleges near me are also at least a 40 minute drive a way. So if I were to leave right after work at 5, I wouldn't be able to get there until 6 at the earliest.

I'm not really sure what to do. I attend Bristol Community College at the moment but I don't believe I can attend their hybrid nursing program because when the class does meet I think they meet on a week day, which I cannot do because of work. I am waiting to hear back from the BCC nursing program contact about the hybrid program.

I'm more than committed to put in the work because nursing is all I can think about. My major obstacle is finding a school with class times I'm able to make it to.

Does anyone have an advice or tips?

Thank you and I appreciate your feedback,


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