Sterile Gloving Procedure

Nursing Students Student Assist


Question about sterile gloves...

Are the folded-over cuffs considered non-sterile even before they've touched skin? So if you have on one glove, is the cuff of the other clove non sterile even before you pick it up?

For real! Those gloves are suctioned in there good! It's pretty impossible to get your fingers under the cuff, especially when you're trying to do it with a glove on. I've been thinking as I read these should be ok to kind of work the 2nd glove apart some with your gloved hand regardless of if you touch the inside of the cuff or not, as long as when you start to put it on, you then just put your fingers under the cuff. That would not break sterile technique. (This, of course, is in real practice...because we all know, while in school, we've just got to do the check-off EXACTLY as taught.)

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