Anyone wear Crocs?

Nurses Uniform/Gear


I want the best shoes. i will be working 12s for the first time. I have bunions and want to be comfortable.

I see so many nurses wearing Crocs. Are they really comfortable?

What are your favorite shoes for working? Thanks, Nurscee

Are they the cheap one you can buy at Payless now? That's what our nurses wear.

Payless shoes carry imitation Crocs.About 1/2 the nurses and aides on our busy med/surg floor wear them.They are so comfotable.Like wearing your house shoes all day.The cost is right around $15.00.Comes in black,light blue,neon pinkish orange & yellow, I think.

As far as tennis shoes go,the most comfortable ones that I have found are Hanes Sport "Cheerleading" shoes-runs about $20,can be washed in the washing machine,air dry.I washed mine about once a month in the washer(between times used baby wipes-not just for bottoms anymore :p ) and they still lasted over a year.When the leather became scuffed,bought another pair and spray painted the old pair with flat white paint.Actually worked better than shoe polish...

Good luck with shoe hunting.Once I find something comfortable,I buy an extra pair,because as soon as you REALLY like something, it becomes discontinued! :crying2:

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