I feel I'm being sabotaged

Specialties Management


My director gives no support. She undermines every decision I make, never takes any suggestion for improvement seriously. I could go on and on about what she has done to me. The staff is quickly loosing respect for me and I have very little self confidence left. I have set up meetings with her and then she cancels. I've been to HR for advice and they tell me I need to sit down with her and talk. I am ready to quit but the stubborn side of me says fight to the finish. Any advice on how to handle this. I can't sleep some nights just thinking about what the next day will bring.

Dear Cleo,

I am so happy that you were able to post this. I have just gone through something similar. I'm fairly new to management, DON that is non-supportative, with insubordinate staff on the day shift (about 3-4 of them) who found out that they can manipulate the DON so they can get "their way". Plus, I was not familiar with the facility, culture, nor the community.....It is a long story.

~Also~ what Mydesygn has posted..... I just wish I have read it sooner because this mirrors everything that happened to me.

Thank-you both for posting your experiences because I was beginning to feel that I was "nuts" or something. The word "sabatage" couldn't be a better word to explain what has happened to us. For months now, I was thinking that it was me being "new to management." However, that may be the case only to a point. We will all have our "oversights" as new managers. However, in order to be successful - there needs to be some sort of mentoring which didn't happen.

Wow, I can't tell you how greatful I am coming across this post. I hope bumping it to the top will help other managers out there in similar situations.

I hope that you trusted your gut and got out of there into a better position.

Thanks again for posting (both of you)



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