New Rules For Employment \ Paycheck Guide

Nurses Humor


PAYCHECK GUIDE: The following helpful guide has been prepared to help our employees better understand their paychecks:

Item Amount Gross pay $1,222.02

Income tax $244.40

Outgo tax $45.21

State tax $11.61

Interstate tax $61.10

County tax $6.11

City tax $12.22

Rural tax $4.44

Back tax $1.11

Front tax $1.16

Side tax $1.61

Up tax $1.08

Down tax $1.14

Tic-Tacs $1.98

Thumbtacks $3.93

Carpet tacks $0.98

Stadium tax $0.69

Flat tax $8.32

Surtax $2.23

Ma'am tax $1.23

Corporate tax $2.60

Parking fee $5.00

F.I.C.A. $81.88

T.G.I.F. Fund $9.95

Life insurance $5.85

Health insurance $16.23

Dental insurance $4.50

Mental insurance $4.33

Disability $2.50

Ability $0.25

Liability $3.41

Coffee $6.85

Coffee Cups $66.51

Floor rental $16.85

Chair rental $0.32

Desk rental $4.32

Union dues $5.85

Union don'ts $3.77

Cash advance $0.69

Cash retreats $121.35

Overtime $1.26

Undertime $54.83

Eastern time $9.00

Central time $8.00

Mountain time $7.00

Pacific time $6.00

Time Out $12.21

Oxygen $10.02

Water $16.54

Heat $51.42

Cool air $26.83

Hot air $20.00

Miscellaneous $113.29

Various $8.01

Sundry $12.09

------- Net Take Home Pay $0.02

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