Explore Your Perspective on Teaching/ Learning

Specialties Educators


Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

The Teaching Perspectives Inventory can help you collect your thoughts and summarize your ideas about teaching. It can be useful in examining your own teaching as well as helping clarify the teaching views of other people.

The TPI is quick to complete - it usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes to answer all the questions and to automatically score your results. You may also choose to print out your profile sheet to help you visualize and interpret your scores.


I took this inventory and found it very insightful. It offered an accurate "nutshell" representation of my personal beliefs/ philosophies as a teacher. It helps to codify these characteristics and bring them out into the open for self-reflection.

Great resource! :)

Thanks Vicky - we are reworking our position descriptions at the nmoment and this could be helpful as a reference point.



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