How to resign from a is what you do!

Nurses Career Support


I am posting this because it has become a weekly topic of discussion on the board. To me, so many people overthink this task and make it much more difficult than what it really is. I decided to post some tips that may help with the business of giving your old employer the boot.

Here is some pre-resignation advice:

1. Do not discuss leaving with anyone before you put in your notice. Trust no one. It makes for good gossip as to who is leaving next...I wouldn't trust my best friend at work with this information.

2. Be careful if you are posting your resume on, etc. Yes, you can remove your name, but other things in your resume may give away your identity, such as the year you graduated on the list of schools. Be careful.

3. Remain professional...just because you know you are leaving doesn't mean you can slack off matter how tempting. Leave a good impression, even if you never plan on returning. You never know when your old boss or old co-workers may turn up at your new me, I have seen this more times than I can count. to fire your boss:

1. First, find out what is acceptable for a notice. Everyone says two-weeks, however, this is going to vary by facility. For example, I happen to work in a facility where for nursing staff, 6 weeks is the typical notice given and unless you are on very bad terms with your employer, you get to work out the 6 weeks. Give your notice in accordance of what is customary.

2. Put it in writing...and keep it short and professional. For those that are stuck, I will suggest the following: "Dear Mr/Mrs. Boss: The career opportunity given to me as a Registered Nurse here at General Hospital has been an invaluable experience, but unfortunately, at this time, my career is taking me in another direction. I submit my resignation from my position as a Registered Nurse for my last day to be . I sincerely wish the management and staff at General Hospital continued success in this organization and I thank everyone here for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the healthcare team." Sincerely, Jane Doe, RN.

Yup...that is ALL you need to write. They do not care about why you are leaving...resist the temptation to vent, give them a piece of your mind, tell them everything they are doing wrong, etc. Write it out this way even if you think they are all a bunch of loons and wouldn't go back if they doubled your salary...seriously, in the end, it doesn't matter.

3. Submit your resignation to your direct supervisor or other manager, as dictated by your facility. Bring TWO COPIES with you and give her one...making sure she knows you made two. Listen to any final instructions...they may ask that you not tell anyone you are leaving, etc...LISTEN the warnings, if any.

4. Do not gossip about you leaving to other co-workers after you submit your resignation. While it is acceptable to mention you are leaving, if they ask why, say you prefer not to discuss it.

5. BE PREPARED that your boss may let you go the day you resign...this is legal in many places. It all depends on how upset they are at you leaving...just be prepared for it. Many times it is done for security purposes.

6. Don't bash anyone in the exit are leaving, what do you care?

Hope that helps anyone looking to quit anytime soon.

Another piece of advice: never, ever quit a job unless you have another one. The economy is bad right now and even experience may not get you in the door.

Good Luck!


I am looking to resign from my current position as soon as I have an official offer from this other job. My facilities policy is 3 week notice, however, my new job would like me to start in two weeks at the latest (they'd prefer immediately). Is there any good way to negotiate this? Or am I better off just leaving it at the 3 weeks?

I am also slightly concerned that they will tell me that this could be my last day, when I resign. This concerns me because for one of my loans I need to be fully employed, at all times, and my end date at one job, should be the same as my "start date" at another job.

What do you guys think?

Also, I have over 50 hours of vacation time, they said if I resign, I'll only get a percentage of this. Any ideas on how to max this out?

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