Ex-corporate world employees turned RN (advice please)

Nurses Career Support


Hi all,

I'm looking for any ex-corporate world employees that have ALREADY made the career change into nursing. Please give me your thoughts on your decision.

I work in the banking industry. Have an MBA. Was contemplating this move about 1 year ago and ultimately decided against it. Well, here I am 1 year later having the exact same thoughts. This time I am moving forward with my pre-reqs this summer. My wife is an RN and is very supportive. She sees that I am not happy in my current profession (mainly the sales aspect, the "schmoozing", etc, etc.). I gave myself a year and have now circled back around. I know all about the life of an RN...my wife and both sisters are RNs. So, work is work at the end of the day. I just do not want to be that person that goes through my current profession "pretending".

Thanks!!! Looking forward to hearing from those who once worked in the corporate world and are already working as RNs.

Specializes in Correctional.

VERY nice to hear from someone coming from an industry that gave them knots and now in an industry that doesn't. I bet nursing is a great career for many ex- former industry types. How long have you been an RN? Which area (of nursing) are you in now?

Been an RN for a little over 2 years. I'm in the Central Valley and am a corrections nurse:) love every minute of my job:)

Wow, Aint' That the truth! FSU Thank you for this feed, I'm so glad I stumbled upon it...

I too was in banking for a long time as a ChFC and recently left my AVP position to go to nursing school. Although I do have the support of my family I think most of them think I've lost my mind and are being "nice". I feel they (along with former colleagues) think I'm suffering from a mental break!

I've always wanted to be a nurse but missed my chance in college the 1st time around. I graduated and stumbled into banking and again stumbled my way up very quickly. I was good at what I did, in all accounts pretty successful but I couldn't help feeling... like I didn't belong there. As natural as the job came to me, it just never felt natural (if that even makes sense). After 4 years of "almost" leaving to go back to school and one time even going in with my resignation and being talked out of it, I recently, finally, made the jump. I left my position and am now applying to nursing schools.

I've heard that there are people out there that decide to change careers, but in this economy I know its becoming less and less. I'm just glad that I found someone else who has the courage to do it!! Good luck to you!!

Thank you! Actually, I start my pre-reqs in a few weeks. I have 3 semesters of pre-reqs (while contining to work my banking job) and then 1-2 years of work (school free), until I get into an accelerated BSN program. Leaving a career is NEVER an easy decision, but if one is unhappy, there is a valid reason for it. You feeling as if you didn't "belong there" is a tell tale sign that a change must be made. For me, it's not my job that I hate, but rather the "nature" of my work. I completely understand about it not feeling natural. I too am pretty good at my job, but it has never felt natural. Good luck to you!!! Thanks for the comments;)

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